Monday, March 15, 2010


Yesterday I tabled with Endless Canvas at the Anarchist Bookfair. It was pretty much the most fun I’ve had in a really long time. I got to see my friends from Sacramento and even right around the corner in Oakland. It was nice to see so many people I know from so many different areas in my life come together for so many different reasons. I felt like so many sides of me were appeased to there. And I luckily sold enough sticker patch packs, and art pieces to buy a $5 t-shirt from AK press, a compilation zine from Microcosm ( I love you Microcosm), and a sketchbook of Love and Rockets comics. Another thing I enjoyed , was that literally everything I had thought of doing in the last 3 months as far as art, other people were there with the exact same ideas as their finished products. One idea I had was to make a comic zine with a soundtrack to listen to when your reading it, another was to make really cool jewelry out of beer bottle caps (which isn’t that original) but someone had done that too. It was nice to be surrounded by so many like minded creators. I even traded a girl a piece for a massage for me and my bf. They were pretty nice too! I felt uber relaxed.

All of my experiences and peeking at how many copies BEER IS GOOD, Issue #1 sold, it really put a fire under my ass to want to make more stuff. I like the reactions I was getting from people at the bookfair. It’s like it gave me some confidence that I didn’t have for a while. Sometimes artistically it can happen where you get bored or uninspired by what your doing. And when you see other people’s faces when they look at your stuff it really helps. So that totally set a fire under my ass to get cracking on the second zine and get the first one published, also to make even more accessories. I just always feel like there is never enough time for me to everything I always set out to do. I always feel like I should have so much done, and when I set my mind to it all of these everyday distractions come billowing down on me. Sometimes it’s enough to make you just want to scream. But it’s alright. I’ll get there soon I suppose. I just have to really buckle down and want it.

Cheer’s to you Bookfair.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Drawings from Issue #1!!!!

These are couple of drawings from the illustrated mini comic I did of my friend Jen's drunken story of REVENGE!


Roadkill Jen!

The first page of A story about a girl Cat and the dirty little things that horny teenagers do.

Introducing Cat

I always feel like I have the silliest and worst fears ever. So I thought it'd be funny to find out what other people's fears are, I went and asked a few friends about their silly and pointless fears. This one is my friend Marilyn's. I am afraid of birds and one day we were walking together and I started freaking out at a crowd of pigeons. And she said I'd be freaking out if those were flying fish. Hence....fear of flying fish!

Silly and Pointless Fears #1

A re-done 3D box painting I did about a year ago, newly converted into an illustration for $1 patches and posters coming soon.

Discharged from the City

A funny ad I made for the zine. I would call this a fake ad. But it's not a fake ad. I want your stories guys! And I want them in my zine! If you want anything drawn for you or anything designed and you like my style. HIT ME UP! We can work something out I'm even down for barter or trade.

Artist 4 hire ad

More coming soon! I hope you enjoy what you see so far.