Friday, September 3, 2010

Zine Fest

So my comic has finally been printed and zine fest is literally tomorrow. I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get patches and small zines printed all week. For some reason this type of stress is more pleasing than that of any other that I've ever experienced. I usually hate stress, but I look at this as a can you rise to the occasion type of thing. And so far in every aspect I have not yet let myself or anyone else down. And that's a great feeling.

Everyone that has seen my comic so far has given me great responses except for a small group. But they are pretty PC so I try not to let that get to me. My comic is raunchy but fun and light hearted in the end. I think people look at it and think I'm trying to offend. But I'm just spectating and commenting. But I digress. My original point was that it feels good to know that people are interested in what I'm doing. I have a few mixed feelings about Zine Fest. I'm excited to see all the zines and what other people are working on, I'm even more excited to see who is interested in what I have been working on. But it's a whole new different ballpark. It's the first time I will be meeting people face to face and putting myself out there as an illustrator. And that alone is enough to make me feel a bit odd. I am confident as an artist, but this is a really big fish for a little guppy like me to be in right now. Luckily enough I am so excited that hopefully it won't matter.

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